engaging recorded cases
Unique practical educational content
with international faculty
Welcome Letter
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to join us in Rome, Italy, for the 2nd JIM GISE Congress, from 21-23 March 2024, including a dynamic Fellows Course on 20 March.
Following the success of the last edition, JIM GISE is back with innovative interactive formats, contributing to enhance the newborn brand and increase enthusiasm among young generations of interventionists.
Main topics such as coronary disease, structural heart disease and latest technologies development/updates will be deeply analyzed and discussed by leading KOL.
The congress will feature live cases, engaging recorded cases and a unique practical educational content with the participation of international faculty. Moreover, renewed Lunch and Evening Symposia concepts will highlight modern strategies for treating complex clinical scenarios.
Like last year, clinical case sessions will be included in the scientific program, hence we invite you to submit your clinical case.
In this scenario, involving Young Interventionists with the renewed Fellows Course, we expect once again a large National and International audience.
We look forward to welcoming you in Rome!
Antonio Colombo
(Milan – Italy)
Giovanni Esposito
(Naples – Italy)
Eberhard Grube
(Bonn – Germany)
Giuseppe Tarantini
(Padua – Italy)
Francesco Saia
(Bologna – Italy)
Click to know more about Jimgise 2024 Scientific Program
Course Directors
Antonio Colombo
(Milan – Italy)
Giovanni Esposito
(Naples – Italy)
Eberhard Grube
(Bonn – Germany)
Giuseppe Tarantini
(Padua – Italy)
Francesco Saia
(Bologna – Italy)
Course Co-Directors
Alexandre Abizaid
(Sao Paolo – Brazil)
Carlo Di Mario
(Florence – Italy)
Gabriele Gasparini
(Milan – Italy)
Juan Fernando Granada Solinas
(New York – USA)
Azeem Latib
(New York – USA)
Martin Leon
(New York – USA)
Roxana Mehran
(New York – USA)
Jeffrey Moses
(New York – USA)
Nicolas Van Mieghem
(Rotterdam – The Netherlands)